While there are a few traders that choose to ignore the news in order to focus more time on the technical aspects of forex trading, the wise majority of our forex community professes a different opinion. Unless you want to be blindsided by events or trade based on luck alone, you are best advised to prepare for each week’s market action, typically on a Sunday before the forex market opens in Asia, starting with an appropriate “roadmap” to guide your efforts. The terans among us is to develop a weekly routine that satisfies your needs without being too overly cumbersome. It can be easy to get overwhelmed by too much information in this endeavor, the paralysis of analysis syndrome. Your objective is to develop a “feel” for what is driving the market behind the scenes and then to act upon that knowledge to execute winning strategies that tilt the odds in your favor. We at Forextraders agree that less is more in this preparation process for each week’s trading action. Our News Page is designed to give you the bare essentials with narratives on the following three categories: Forecasts for the Upcoming Week: Presents a calendar of economic events, fundamental and technical information of note, and forecasted support and resistance levels for major currency pairs; Commentary on Short-Term Trends: Occasional alerts are given as to major market moves or developing trends, supplemented with technical charts and commentary that support th We welcome your usage of our news reporting and commentary, and we welcome your comments on any of the materials that appear within this and subsequent pages. Find what works for you, and remember – To be forewarned is to be forearmed!