
Unfortunately, there will be times when your pet is unwell, and at these times, vet fees are unavoidable. Whilst no one would put a price on the health and happiness of their beloved companions, illnesses and accidents often strike pets suddenly, and the resulting vet fees can be an unpleasant but inevitable shock. This article will provide information on vet fees and how best to cope with them when they cannot be avoided. What could vet fees cost me? Vet fees vary depending on the veterinary practice, but it can cost around £30 for a kitten vaccination, around £130 for a dog blood test and from around £500 to £600 for a dog's overnight stay at a veterinary practice. There will be a consultation fee to pay for the vet examining your pet. X-rays, anaesthetics, bandages, medication and nail clipping are all examples of services that will be added onto your vet bill if your pet requires them. The size of your pet may affect how expensive the treatment is. Depending on the vet, you may be charged less for a rodent or rabbit than a large dog. If you have to call a vet outside of standard practice hours, this will generally incur a much greater cost. It could even increase the vet fees by up to five times what you would usually pay. Help with vet fees Vet fees can be very expensive, depending on the level of care needed for your pet. If, for whatever reason, you are finding it difficult to afford your vet fees, there are a number of places you could go that may provide you help. If you are having trouble paying vet fees, it is worth calling The Blue Cross, Pet Aid, PDSA andRSPCA. They do not guarantee being able to provide financial aid but may do given individual circumstances. Insurance You can’t predict whether your pet is going to get an illness or have an accident, but you can be prepared for the financial implications that accompany an illness or accident. You may already have pet insurance, but if not, then you should consider taking out a policy sooner rather than later. Pet insurance can provide cover for vet fees, rescue costs and the loss of your pet. Insurance can cost as little as a few pounds a month and can ensure that you avoid hefty vet fees, leaving you free to concentrate your attention on your pet. Remember, don’t just take the cheapest insurance you can find – consider the levels of care and cover offered to make sure you are insuring your pet in a way that will benefit it the most if it does fall ill.