In the spring we worry about the nesting birds. In the winter it’s all about the snow. So when should you think about the possibility of heavy rains? All year long. Whether it shows up in the form of a freak storm or if it comes in with hurricane winds; whether it’s a leaky roof or a rising flood – water can do serious damage and in some case destroy your property. Be better prepared with these three considerations: Clear your eavestroughs: You know what’s worse than heavy rains? Heavy rains that meet up with leaf and debris-clogged eavestroughs. Take the time to clear out the eavestroughs each season to help ensure the water hitting your roof has somewhere to go. Unable to get up there safely on your own? Reach out to a professional and consider making a standing date for them to return. Regular visits will also help to keep you on top of any holes or minor repairs you need to do. Check your downspouts: The purpose of a downspout is to carry the rain water away from your eavestroughs and away from your house. Downspouts that lack an extension or splash pad may cause water to pool around your home’s base and aren’t doing you any favours. Do you need a sump pump? A sump pump may be necessary in some areas to help push water out of oversaturated lands. If you’ve experienced flooding before or live in an area that floods frequently, it could be worth checking into. Check the pump regularly. A good pump should last about 10 years; don’t push it past its limit. A pump that won’t perform when you need it isn’t of much use to anyone.